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UMVIM Team Leader Refresher

Join in Team Leader Refresher via Zoom meetings to get updates and share with and learn from others. This is for Team Leaders who are leading teams and who have previously led teams. Those who have not completed Team Leader training are welcome also! A followup will be planned to fill in the parts not covered in this refresher. Open to everyone!

Team leader training includes discussions on mission theology, cultural awareness, health and safety, and all the nuts and bolts of leading a team, including how to find a project, volunteer recruiting, fund raising, paperwork, team insurance, and much more. This Refresher will be an overview of all these things with your experiences and expertise part of the conversation.

Participants are encouraged to download and review the Team Leader Handbook prior to the event.

10:00am-12:00pm Eastern

9:00am-11:00am Central

8:00am-10:00am Mountain

7:00am-9:00am Pacific


February 22

UMVIM Team Leader Training

March 8

UMVIM Team Leader Training