UMVIM is excited to offer an easy, convenient place to obtain your safe sanctuary training and background check. Please read through the information below then contact Tammy Kuntz, NCJ Coordinator, to request the link to complete the training and/or background check. Fees are listed below.

Safe Sancturaries Training

The program is separated into several modules. In each module you will be presented with material to read. A short quiz is at the end. Complete the quiz and print the Certificate. The training should take less than 45 minutes.

Background Check

This background check includes a nationwide criminal check including the sex offender registry, and criminal database search.

A motor vehicle report should be requested for volunteers who will drive the team.

Additional checks can be done on request: County criminal search, Also Know As search.


Each volunteer is responsible for the fees for training and background check. This will be managed through the team leader.

Basic Background Check $20.00

Motor Vehicle Report $20.00

Country Criminal Search $20.00

Also Known as Search $20.00

Safe Sanctuaries Training no fee