Below is the most up-to-date information our office has regarding current team openings and various mission opportunities, however we cannot guarantee that all opportunities are still available. Please contact the team leader for the latest information. 

These opportunities are listed in alphabetical order by country.

To list your own team for a mission opportunity, send an email with details to

Be sure to visit Discover…Mission to learn more about mission journeys for young adults!


October 3-13th, 2025, led by Mike Burgamy, experienced Cuba team leader

Join Mike Burgamy, experienced team leader to Cuba for this eye-opening mission journey. Travelling Oct 3-13th, 2025, with a $350 deposit, total cost approximately $2200. More information found on the application, which you can download by clicking here.


Alabama Honduras Medical Education Network [AHMEN], May 31-June 7, 2025

The Alabama Honduras Medical Education Network’s Río de Agua Viva team invites you to join our May 31-June 7 teaching and learning team to the Honduran coastal communities of Roatan and Nueva Armenia.  We will be teaching first aid, clean water, lifeguarding, and community advocacy.  Team members will also receive team leadership training to lead their own educational brigades in the future.  The cost of the team is $1,200 + airfare.  Anyone who reserves their spot by Dec 16 by donating $100 receives an automatic $100 off team tuition.  (College students receive $200 off!)  To learn more, visit or @AHMENinHonduras on social media.  You may also check out my blog at


July 16-31, 2025

The Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church is planning an Education, Pastors training VIM journey to Kisii/Nyamira UMC District in the Western part of Kenya. This will be a team of 12-15 members with education, pastors training, healthcare background with a passion of serving with humility and experiential learning that will enrich the spiritual formation of our churches in Indiana.

The envisioned team’s itinerary includes visiting the Capital city of Nairobi (3 days), experiencing a scenic 5 hours drive down into the Scenic Great Rift Valley, to Masai Mara which is Kenya’s premier game reserve. We depart from Maasai Mara for the Mission destination called Kisii and Nyamira counties for 5 days. Here we will be training and learning with 60 United Methodist pastors and lay preachers while fellowshipping, learning from parents and teachers at the Greenhill Amani School.

We depart Western Kenya for Nairobi to Mombasa in the Coast of Kenya (Indian Ocean) to relax before we start a long journey back to United States.

Cost: $5300 per person and is all-inclusive (roundtrip airfare from Indiana, lodging, meals, local air and ground, transportation in country, and 12 days inclusive of 3 days/2nights at the Maasai Mara National Park in Kenya).

Team Leader: Saneta Maiko


July 15-28, 2025

You are invited to build relationships with the Harrisburg, Liberia community, including the Farmer to Farmer team in Harrisburg. Be immersed in the tropical climate and the Independence Day celebrations, visit the capital, and work on furthering development of ideas for the farm and school. Attend Sunday service at Saint John UMC and meet with The Girls of Promise.

Helpful skills: education, farming, basic first aid, devotions leader/musician

Cost: $3000, plus Passport, Visa, Travel Clinic and immunizations
Team Leader: Sally Ruth


May 16-June 1, 2025

The Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church is planning a medical VIM trip to Chicuque Rural Hospital in the Inhambane Province of Mozambique May 16-June 1, 2025. The ideal 12 member team will include several medical professionals prepared to present current evidence-based practice on at least one of the following topics:

> 1. Complications of Arterial Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus;
> 2. High blood pressure during pregnancy and its complications
> 3. Complications of acute and chronic renal failure;
> 4. Respiratory failure and liver diseases;
> 5. Resuscitation of newborns and adults;
> 6. Obstetric hemorrhage;
> 7. Cervical cancer.

The envisioned team’s itinerary includes sponsorship of a 2-day regional medical symposium followed by several days of ‘hands-on’ inpatient instruction at Chicuque Rural Hospital. Non-medical volunteers are also sought to handle symposium logistics as well as involvement in local church ongoing ministries.

Cost for the trip: $4000 per person and is all-inclusive (roundtrip airfare from Washington DC, lodging, meals, medical supplies, symposium costs, transportation in country, and 3 day/2 night stop at Kruger National Park in South Africa).

Interested persons should contact Nancy Forrest, BSN, MPH, IBCLC , team leader, for more information:

 Nancy Forrest ,540-409-6555


June 6 - 14, 2025- El Ayudante

There are openings for up to 4 people.  Deadline to confirm interest is March 31.

Join Deshae from First Baptist Alamo, TN on a mission trip to El Ayudante in Leon Nicaragua to partner with the Nicaraguan people to transform the nation one child, one family, one community at time, bringing hope to the country, and helping make children’s dreams come true.  Check out the website at to learn more about this amazing ministry.  
Location:  Leon, Nicaragua.  The El Ayudante campus is  approximately a 2.5 hour ride from the Managua airport. 

Projects will include vacation bible school at the HCN and public schools, delivery of Food Blessing bags, Health kits, and Water Filters to families in need.   We will also partner with the new sustainable ministry to provide families with baby “broiler” chicks to raise to eat and sell in about 8 weeks.  Fruit trees will also be planted that in 2-3 years will bear fruit.  Every month a different type of tree will have ripe fruit that will be eaten with the extra being sold.  There is one construction project; a latrine will be built for a family to improve their sanitary situation in their home.  These are just some of the ways that you will have the opportunity to share God's love with both adults and children in Nicaragua. 

Contact: with any question or for more information.

Cost  – Approximately $1,700 per person total including airfare and team fees to El Ayudante. This covers your airfare from your place of residency to Nicaragua. It also includes dormitory style lodging with floor & ceiling fans (mattresses & all linens provided), delicious meals (excluding during your travel to and from the Nicaragua airport), transportation while in country, translators, and other in-country expenses.  If you feel called to make a donation to help cover project costs, it would be appreciated but is not required.


June 28-July 5, 2025, El Ayudante

There are openings for up to 4 people.  Deadline to confirm interest is April 4.

Join Jehan from Franklin, TN on a mission trip to El Ayudante in Leon Nicaragua to partner with the Nicaraguan people to transform the nation one child, one family, one community at time, bringing hope to the country, and helping make children’s dreams come true.  Check out the website at to learn more about this amazing ministry.  
Location:  Leon, Nicaragua.  The El Ayudante campus is  approximately a 2.5 hour ride from the Managua airport. 

Projects will include vacation bible school and delivery of Food Blessing bags.  There are several options: Delivering Water Filters to families in need, new sustainable ministry to provide families with baby “broiler” chicks to raise to eat and sell in about 8 weeks.  Another option is to plant Fruit trees that in 1 -3 years will bear fruit.  Every month a different type of tree will have ripe fruit that will be eaten with the extra being sold.  There is large and small construction projects everything from planting a classroom to building a house, and everything in between.  Once we have the team, the plan will be finalized.  These are just some of the ways that you will have the opportunity to share God's love with both adults and children in Nicaragua. 

Contact: with any questions or for more information.

 Cost – Approximately $1,700 per person total including airfare and team fees to El Ayudante. This covers your airfare from your place of residency to Nicaragua. It also includes dormitory style lodging with floor & ceiling fans (mattresses & all linens provided), delicious meals (excluding during your travel to and from the Nicaragua airport), transportation while in country, translators, and other in-country expenses.  If you feel called to make a donation to help cover project costs, it would be appreciated but is not required.


June 14-21, 2025, El Ayudante 

There are openings for up to 4 people.  Deadline to confirm interest is April 4.

Join Jathaniel from Covenant Church, Memphis TN on a mission trip to El Ayudante in Leon Nicaragua to partner with the Nicaraguan people to transform the nation one child, one family, one community at time, bringing hope to the country, and helping make children’s dreams come true.  Check out the website at to learn more about this amazing ministry.  

Location:  Leon, Nicaragua.  The El Ayudante campus is  approximately a 2.5 hour ride from the Managua airport. 

Projects will include vacation bible school at the HCN and public schools, delivery of Food Blessing bags,  and Water Filters to families in need.   We will also partner with the new sustainable ministry to provide families with baby “broiler” chicks to raise to eat and sell in about 8 weeks.  Fruit trees will also be planted that in 1 -3 years will bear fruit.  Every month a different type of tree will have ripe fruit that will be eaten with the extra being sold.  There is one construction project; a latrine will be built for a family to improve their sanitary situation in their home.  These are just some of the ways that you will have the opportunity to share God's love with both adults and children in Nicaragua. 

Contact: with any questions or for more information.

Cost  – Approximately $1,700 per person total including airfare and team fees to El Ayudante. This covers your airfare from your place of residency to Nicaragua. It also includes dormitory style lodging with floor & ceiling fans (mattresses & all linens provided), delicious meals (excluding during your travel to and from the Nicaragua airport), transportation while in country, translators, and other in-country expenses.  If you feel called to make a donation to help cover project costs, it would be appreciated but is not required.

Sager Brown Depot, baldwin, Louisiana

Sept 7-12, 2025

Mission: BUILD at Sager Brown! Join us for a week of construction focused ministry! Community & campus-based construction
projects and depot work available.

Visit at to sign up!

Cost is $290 meals & housing included $50 nonrefundable deposit required. Contact Sager Brown at 337-923-6238 with questions.

Wisconsin - lake lucerne CAMP

September 21-26, 2025

Join us for a week of fellowship, fun and hard work!  Plan to arrive and settle into your room in one of the cabins, then join us for dessert and our first evening together in Ridgewood, where we will share morning and evening devotions each day.  Meals will be eaten in the Lodge starting with Monday breakfast and concluding with breakfast on Friday.  Tasks may range from cleaning out cabins (washing windows, sweeping floors) to bringing in work at the waterfront to cutting down trees and brush to roof repairs and laying new sidewalk! We will do what the staff asks us to do -- and more!  Fall or spring, Lucerne is a place to appreciate God’s creation.
Note – Be sure to pack sleeping gear and towels.
Cost: $200.00 – includes lodging, meals, work supplies and donation to camp.
Deadline: September 1
Deposit: $40.00 with the registration form.  
Registrar: Gail Burgess

Wisconsin - Pine Lake CAMP

Come and join our annual pilgrimage to Pine Lake as we get the camp cleaned up and open for the busy summer season. We will stay in the Rader Retreat Center where each room has a double and a single bed with private bathroom. Bedding and towels will be provided.
Projects will include installing docks and piers, getting watercraft ready, cleaning cabins and washing windows. There will probably be wood cutting, splitting, stacking, chipping and general ground clean-up. Remember, always be flexible about whatever projects the staff has on the priority list.

Cost: $250.00 for the week or $50.00 per day. You are encouraged to come for a day or two even if you can't stay for the whole week. Checks should be made payable to WAC/VIM Camp.

Registration deadline: April 25, 2025, with a deposit of $50.00. Checks for registration should be made out to “Bethany UMC” with “VIM” in the memo line. 

Registrar: Bob Clingan