to Apr 12

First Time Mission Team Leader Training wed cohort

This is a reoccuring cohort for first time Mission Team leaders, who are leading short-term volunteer mission teams from local churches. This training will be broken up into 4 ninety minute sessions on the following Wednesday evenings: March 19, 26, April 2, 9, 2025, starting at 6pm Central time/7pm Eastern. Participants must attend all trainings, and any schedule trainings will need to be approved by the whole group.

Participants are encouraged to download and read the Team Leader Handbook at before the event.

This training will focus on theology of mission, the UMC connectional structure, practical advice for leading a team and mission travel.

This will be led by Tammy Kuntz and Ray Yarnall, and is open to all. Minimum of 4 participants and maximum of 12 participants will be needed for the training.

If you have questions, contact Rev. Tammy Kuntz at

Participants will be sent a Google Classroom link for the training dates.

NOTE: After hitting submit, you will be redirected to a donation page. Making a $50 donation is NOT REQUIRED to register for the training, but is appreciated. After hitting the above ‘submit’ button, your registration will be complete, and you can close the donation window if you do not wish to contribute.

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Online Team Leader Training, Refresher

This will be an online Team Leader Training Refresher course via Zoom meetings. This is for Team Leaders who may have led teams in the past, or taken the training previously, and are seeking updated information and a “refresher” before leading an UMVIM team. Thought this is an UMVIM Southeast Jurisdiction event, it is open to all.

Participants are encouraged to download and read the Team Leader Handbook at before the event.

This training will be 2 hours and focus briefly on theology of mission, and practical advice for leading a team and travel.

If you have questions, contact Rev. Matt Lacey at

NOTE: After hitting submit, you will be redirected to a donation page. Making a $20 donation is NOT REQUIRED to register for the training, but is appreciated. Your gift will be made to UMVIM, SEJ, and not be used for administrative purposes, but to continue to promote and develop mission resources. After hitting the above ‘submit’ button, your registration will be complete, and you can close the donation window if you do not wish to contribute.

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First Time Mission Team Leader Training Sat Cohort

This is a reoccuring cohort for first time Mission Team leaders, who are leading short-term volunteer mission teams from local churches. This training will be broken up into 4 ninety minute sessions on the following Saturday mornings: April 12, 19, 26, and May 3, 2025, starting at 9:30am Central time/10:30am Eastern. Participants must attend all trainings, and any schedule changes will need to be approved by the whole group.

Participants are encouraged to download and read the Team Leader Handbook at before the event.

This training will focus on theology of mission, the UMC connectional structure, practical advice for leading a team and mission travel.

This will be led by Matt Lacey and Eddie Erwin, and is open to all. Minimum of 4 participants and maximum of 12 participants will be needed for the training.

If you have questions, contact Rev. Matt Lacey at

Participants will be sent a Google Classroom link for the training dates.

NOTE: After hitting submit, you will be redirected to a donation page. Making a $50 donation is NOT REQUIRED to register for the training, but is appreciated. After hitting the above ‘submit’ button, your registration will be complete, and you can close the donation window if you do not wish to contribute.

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Early Response Team Training

Hosted by Michigan Conference

This class will train an early response team/leader to fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to establish a caring presence of the church and provide hope for survivors . 

Conferences determine how to use ERT Teams and work outside the conference requires an invitation from the affected community.

Registration begins at 8:30am 

Cost ; $35- Covers material lunch/shirt /certification/background check 

Instructors: Bob Freysinger, Senior Mi ERT Trainer and Jody Pratt, UMVIM and ERT trainer

Contact Jody Pratt for details and registration.

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to Oct 30

Early Response Team Recertification

Hosted by Illinois Great Rivers

Join us for ERT recertification training delivered via Zoom. Recertification requires attendance at both dates. These interactive virtual sessions will refresh your ERT knowledge, update you on new procedures, and maintain your certification status.


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to Mar 13

Early Response Team Recertification

Hosted by Illinois Great Rivers

Join us for ERT recertification training delivered via Zoom. Recertification requires attendance at both dates. These interactive virtual sessions will refresh your ERT knowledge, update you on new procedures, and maintain your certification status.

Contact prior to registration: Curt Franklin

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to Mar 13

Mission Volunteer Training- SEJ, Williamsburg, VA

Mission Volunteers are individuals or couples (ages 18 and up) who seek long-term partnerships with communities around the world and fund themselves. Mission Volunteer opportunities are diverse and range from working with refugees, children and youth to serving as a teacher, pastor, camp director or health care professional. The length of service ranges from two months to more than two years.

The Mission Volunteer program is ministry of Global Ministries and those interested will need to complete an online application process which can be found at

The training will be in Toana, Virginia [near Williamsburg] at Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center.

Visit for more information and the application.

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UMVIM Team Leader Training

Are you planning a mission journey in 2025 or beyond? Join West Ohio for a Volunteers in Mission (VIM) Team Leader Training! With an experienced team leader as instructor, you will learn how to plan and lead a mission experience in Ohio, the United States, or around the world. You will also be provided with checklists, timelines, team forms, and practical resources for nurturing the spiritual life of your team. A background check is required.

Cost: $35 (training, materials & lunch)

Deadline to register: March 4

More information and Registration

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UMVIM Team Leader Refresher

Join in Team Leader Refresher via Zoom meetings to get updates and share with and learn from others. This is for Team Leaders who are leading teams and who have previously led teams. Those who have not completed Team Leader training are welcome also! A followup will be planned to fill in the parts not covered in this refresher. Open to everyone!

Team leader training includes discussions on mission theology, cultural awareness, health and safety, and all the nuts and bolts of leading a team, including how to find a project, volunteer recruiting, fund raising, paperwork, team insurance, and much more. This Refresher will be an overview of all these things with your experiences and expertise part of the conversation.

Participants are encouraged to download and review the Team Leader Handbook prior to the event.

10:00am-12:00pm Eastern

9:00am-11:00am Central

8:00am-10:00am Mountain

7:00am-9:00am Pacific


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UMVIM Team Leader Training

Share best practices for leading a mission team locally, nationally, and internationally.

  • Connect with others who have a heart for missions

  • Discover the many resources and locations available through the UMC to lead mission journeys with youth and adults

  • Develop a strategy for sharing the mission story

  • Become equipped for reaching new, young and diverse people to be a part of your next UMVIM Journey

We do this so that we can be God's agents of transformation in our community and around the world!

Contact Jody Pratt for details and registration.

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200 Wildfire Class

Hosted by Illinois Great Rivers

This specialized virtual training session focuses on preparing ERTs for large-scale wildfire response and mass destruction scenarios.

Course Purpose:

·       Learn specialized ERT roles and responsibilities in mass destruction fire relief efforts

·       Develop strategic approaches for conference-level team organization and deployment

·       Explore innovative approaches to ERT utilization in extreme scenarios

·       Expand the scope of ERT capabilities in major disaster response

Key Learning Outcomes:

·       Understanding mass destruction scenarios vs. standard ERT response protocols

·       Conference-level coordination and team organization strategies

·       Creative problem-solving for complex disaster situations

·       Advanced ERT deployment techniques

Session Information:

·       Date: Tuesday, February 11th

·       Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

·       Format: Virtual (Zoom)

·       Prerequisites: Basic ERT Training

Contact prior to registration: Curt Franklin

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UMVIM Team Leader Training

Share best practices for leading a mission team locally, nationally, and internationally.

  • Connect with others who have a heart for missions

  • Discover the many resources and locations available through the UMC to lead mission journeys with youth and adults

  • Develop a strategy for sharing the mission story

  • Become equipped for reaching new, young and diverse people to be a part of your next UMVIM Journey

We do this so that we can be God's agents of transformation in our community and around the world!


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Long Term Recovery Disaster Response and Volunteer in Mission Training

This training is for those who want to work long term on disaster recovery teams (usually 1-2 weeks) in the US.  


Trainers: Bob Freysinger and Jody Pratt

Cost: $30 (Checks to MI Conf Disaster Response)

           Payment at the door but PLEASE register prior to training **

           Alternate date: Feb 8, 2025 (in the event of Michigan weather) 

Deadline for registrations: January 15, 2025 

M0re info and Registration: contact Jody Pratt

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Online Team Leader Training, Refresher

This will be an online Team Leader Training Refresher course via Zoom meetings. This is for Team Leaders who may have led teams in the past, or taken the training previously, and are seeking updated information and a “refresher” before leading an UMVIM team. Thought this is an UMVIM Southeast Jurisdiction event, it is open to all.

Participants are encouraged to download and read the Team Leader Handbook at before the event.

This training will be 2 hours and focus briefly on theology of mission, and practical advice for leading a team and travel.

If you have questions, contact Rev. Matt Lacey at

NOTE: After hitting submit, you will be redirected to a donation page. Making a $20 donation is NOT REQUIRED to register for the training, but is appreciated. Your gift will be made to UMVIM, SEJ, and not be used for administrative purposes, but to continue to promote and develop mission resources. After hitting the above ‘submit’ button, your registration will be complete, and you can close the donation window if you do not wish to contribute.

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Early Response Team Training and Recertification

The eight hour basic class ERT training will teach you how to assist survivors of natural disasters in their time of need. You will learn how to provide a Christian presence while taking steps to prevent further damage to the family's personal property; this may include tarping, debris removal, cleaning out flooded homes, etc. FEMA recognizes this training to enter a disaster scene. The recertification class will end at 1:00pm and is only for those who have completed the basic course and are within one year of the date their badge expired.

Cost: $40 for the basic class; $35 for recertification.

Deadline to Register: Monday, January 6


NOTE:  A background check is required to receive an ERT badge from UMCOR. You will receive a link to run a background check with UMCOR when you register online. Please complete the background check prior to the class. Your badge cannot be processed without a current background check on file with UMCOR.

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ERT Basic Training

Early Response Team Basic training

This training is for those who want to work long-term on disaster recovery teams (usually 1-2 weeks), domestic or international mission journeys, or partner with a certified Early Response team. Trainers Bob Freysinger and Jody Pratt are incorporating the two training sessions for those who do not want to be certified but still wish to serve under the UMCOR umbrella. We will offer the certification training in Winter/Spring 2025 as churches volunteer to host.

Registration begins at 8:30 AM

Cost: $30 covers materials, lunch, shirt.

Payment due at the door. (Make checks payable to MI Conf Disaster Response)

Instructor: Bob Freysinger, Senior MI ERT Trainer and Jody Pratt, VIM Coordinator

**Please register prior to training.

Registration and questions contact Jody Pratt

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UMVIM Team Leader Training- Remote over Zoom

This training will be led by Rev. Matt Lacey, Executive Director of UMVIM, SEJ. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the UMVIM Team Leader handbook, which can be downloaded free at

Since we are a non-profit and do not receive apportionment funds in the UMC, we do encourage you to make a donation for the training, but this is not required. After you complete the form below and submit, you will be directed to a page where you can give your donation, if you wish.

This will be a remote Zoom training, starting at 1:30pm Central, and ending just before 3pm Central.

Please use the following Zoom link to access the training on Nov 21st.

Meeting ID: 835 1180 8428

Any questions can be emailed to Matt at

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Long Term Recovery Team Training

Do you want to respond to communities devastated by natural disasters? UMCOR kits and financial donations are ways to make a difference.  Another way is to go and help when the time is right. Come to this FREE event to be prepared and ready to go when that time is right! Open to all, including those interested in joining a Longterm Recovery UMVIM team and Early Response Team trained people who want to learn more about leading a team. This is a hybrid training.

Sunday November 17 from 1:00-5:00pm

EOCUMC Area Center 8800 Cleveland Ave. NW North Canton, OH 44720 or online 

Trainers: ERT trainer Bob Catchpole, UMVIM NCJ Coordinator Tammy Kuntz and Missions and Community Engagement Director Kathy Dickriede

You may preorder the optional Mission Journey handbook and pick it up onsite. If you are attending online, the cost to ship it is $5. 


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Connecting Neighbors

Connecting Neighbors Training helps participants understand the importance of community connections before the disaster. Churches can better provide a caring Christian response to local disasters if they have prepared their church families and facility before disaster occurs. Connecting Neighbors addresses the faith community's responsibility in disaster readiness and response and suggests tools to meet individual and community needs.

This is a two-day training, two hours each day.

August 12th and 13th, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM each day.

via Zoom


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Early Response Team Training

The eight hour basic class ERT training will teach you how to assist survivors of natural disasters in their time of need. You will learn how to provide a Christian presence while taking steps to prevent further damage to the family's personal property; this may include tarping, debris removal, cleaning out flooded homes, etc. FEMA recognizes this training to enter a disaster scene. The recertification class will take place during the morning session and is only for those who have completed the basic course and are within one year of the date their badge expired. Cost is $40 for the basic class; $35 for recertification. All Districts welcome!

Deadline to Register: Monday, November 4

NOTE:  A background check is required to receive an ERT badge from UMCOR. You will receive a link to run a background check with UMCOR when you register online. Please complete the background check prior to the class. Your badge cannot be processed without a current background check on file with UMCOR.

Cost: $40.00


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UMVIM Team Leader Training

Are you planning a mission journey in 2025 or beyond? Join West Ohio for a Volunteers in Mission (VIM) Team Leader Training! With an experienced team leader as instructor, you will learn how to plan and lead a mission experience in Ohio, the United States, or around the world. You will also be provided with checklists, timelines, team forms, and practical resources for nurturing the spiritual life of your team. A background check is required.

Cost: $35 (training, materials & lunch)

Deadline to register: October 28

More information and registration

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Early Response Team Training

This class will train an early response team/leader to fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to establish a caring presence of the church and provide hope for survivors . 

Conferences determine how to use ERT Teams and work outside the conference requires an invitation from the affected community.

Registration begins at 8:30am 

Cost ; $35- Covers material lunch/shirt /certification/background check 

Instructor : Bob Freysinger, Senior Mi ERT Trainer 

Registrations and questions: Jody Pratt

DEADLINE TO REGISTER: October 16, 2024 

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UMVIM Team Leader Training

This training is designed for those participating and leading domestic and international mission teams. 

The class will provide  training  on relationship building in mission work, determining location(s), paperwork/insurance, evaluation, and much more!

Cost : $30 - Covers materials /lunch /shirt 

Instructor : Jody Pratt ERT /VIM Trainer 

Registration and questions: Jody Pratt

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to Oct 15

Early Response Team Recertification

The Disaster Response Ministries of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference stands ready to assist any time disasters are so large that the resources of the local community or the district are not sufficient to meet the needs. This response can take many forms. Expert advice can be provided to help the local community as they meet immediate needs, or as they plan for recovery from a disaster, UMCOR kits such as Cleaning Kits and Hygiene Kits are distributed; and, volunteers can also be recruited by the conference. Early response teams (ERTs) are deployed to assist with clean-up and other tasks needed by the community in the period right after the disaster (once the area has been declared safe by first responders). In the long term, UMVIM recovery teams help with home repairs or, in some cases, rebuilding homes that have been completely destroyed during the disaster. In addition, spiritual and emotional care teams can provide support to individuals and congregations as they cope with the loss caused by a disaster.

This is a two-day training, two hours each day.

October 14 and 15, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM each day.

via Zoom


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Early Response Team Training

The mission of an Early Response Team is to provide a caring Christian presence in the aftermath of a disaster. The team is neither a first response group of emergency workers nor a recovery, rebuild or repair team. Rather, it fills a specific need in the early days after a disaster to establish the presence of the church. It is important to understand that ERTs are trained primarily to respond within their own community. To travel to another district, conference or jurisdiction requires an invitation from that area’s ERT coordinator. All ERTs are trained by authorized UMCOR trainers and given badges. We encourage all ERTs to wear bright green T-shirts as a means of recognition.

Registration begins at 8:00 AM, with training to begin at 8:30 am and ending by 5:00 pm. 

Fee - $25.00


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Online Team Leader Refresher Training

This online Zoom training is for mission team leaders who have led teams in the past, but can benefit from reviewing the latest mission policies and UMVIM resources. This training will be led by Rev. Matt Lacey, Director of UMVIM, Southeast Jurisdiction, but is open to anyone.

Training will start at 10am Central time, and conclude at noon.

You can register for this event below, and participants will be emailed a zoom link and instructions prior to the event.

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Early Response Team Training

The mission of an Early Response Team is to provide a caring Christian presence in the aftermath of a disaster. The team is neither a first response group of emergency workers nor a recovery, rebuild or repair team. Rather, it fills a specific need in the early days after a disaster to establish the presence of the church. It is important to understand that ERTs are trained primarily to respond within their own community. To travel to another district, conference or jurisdiction requires an invitation from that area’s ERT coordinator. All ERTs are trained by authorized UMCOR trainers and given badges.

Training begins at 9:00am and concludes at 5:00pm.

Trainer: Brian Mateer

Registration: Email Anna-Lisa Hunter, WI CDRC,

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to Sep 10

Early Response Team Recertification

The Disaster Response Ministries of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference stands ready to assist any time disasters are so large that the resources of the local community or the district are not sufficient to meet the needs. This response can take many forms. Expert advice can be provided to help the local community as they meet immediate needs, or as they plan for recovery from a disaster, UMCOR kits such as Cleaning Kits and Hygiene Kits are distributed; and, volunteers can also be recruited by the conference. Early response teams (ERTs) are deployed to assist with clean-up and other tasks needed by the community in the period right after the disaster (once the area has been declared safe by first responders). In the long term, UMVIM recovery teams help with home repairs or, in some cases, rebuilding homes that have been completely destroyed during the disaster. In addition, spiritual and emotional care teams can provide support to individuals and congregations as they cope with the loss caused by a disaster.

This is a two-day training, two hours each day.

September 9 and 10, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM each day.

via Zoom


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to Aug 13

Connecting Neighbors

Connecting Neighbors Training helps participants understand the importance of community connections before the disaster. Churches can better provide a caring Christian response to local disasters if they have prepared their church families and facility before disaster occurs. Connecting Neighbors addresses the faith community's responsibility in disaster readiness and response and suggests tools to meet individual and community needs.

This is a two-day training, two hours each day.

August 12th and 13th, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM each day.

via Zoom


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UMVIM Team Leader Refresher

This refresher is hosted by UMVIM Western Jurisdiction.

If you have been a team leader and realize that things have changed since you were trained this is the course for you.  

We are going to briefly review the important aspects of an UMVIM Mission including the leading practices, new ways to connect to your team with a site as well as a review of the ‘nuts and bolts’ of the mission.  If you have never taken the UMVIM team leader training but are leading teams or if you have questions about the UMVIM team leader training, this is the workshop for you.  

There are lots of new updates and be sure to bring all of your questions.

9:00am-11:00am PST

Contact Ronda Cordill for more information


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Early Response Team Training + Recertification

The eight hour basic class ERT training will teach you how to assist survivors of natural disasters in their time of need. You will learn how to provide a Christian presence while taking steps to prevent further damage to the family's personal property; this may include tarping, debris removal, cleaning out flooded homes, etc. FEMA recognizes this training to enter a disaster scene. The recertification class will take place during the morning session and is only for those who have completed the basic course and are within one year of the date their badge expired.

NOTE:  A background check is required to receive an ERT badge from UMCOR. You will receive a link to run a background check with UMCOR when you register online. Please complete the background check prior to the class. Your badge cannot be processed without a current background check on file with UMCOR.

Cost: $40 for the basic class; $35 for recertification.

Deadline: Monday, May 6


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Bridges out of Poverty

Bridges Out of Poverty

The workshop offers a comprehensive approach to understanding poverty through the triple lens approach of individual, community, and structural/policy.

Participants will review poverty research, examine a theory of change, and analyze poverty through the prism of the hidden rules of class, resources, family structure, and language. Rebecca Coiner and Shi Ann Cunningham of OhioGuidestone will lead the workshop.

Cost: $30 (includes the required book and lunch) 

Registration Deadline: Sunday, April 21.


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Early Response Team Training

  • Bloomington Wesley United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The mission of an Early Response Team is to provide a caring Christian presence in the aftermath of a disaster. The team is neither a first response group of emergency workers nor a recovery, rebuild or repair team. Rather, it fills a specific need in the early days after a disaster to establish the presence of the church. It is important to understand that ERTs are trained primarily to respond within their own community. To travel to another district, conference or jurisdiction requires an invitation from that area’s ERT coordinator. All ERTs are trained by authorized UMCOR trainers and given badges. We encourage all ERTs to wear bright green T-shirts as a means of recognition.

Guidelines for Teams

  1. Trained early response teams (ERT) will be needed first. Wait for further details on staging areas and locations ready to receive assistance.

  2. Teams must be self-sufficient. Many areas lack electricity, access to food and drinking water, supplies and gasoline. Once staging areas and housing for teams is known that will be communicated.

  3. Bring tarps, tools, etc. for covering homes and supplies and debris removal.

  4. Continue to monitor email and the conference website for emerging detail.

Fee: $25.00


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to Apr 17

Early Response Team Training

This training is in partnership with After the Storm.

Gather on Monday, April 15: to begin at 3:00pm.

Tuesday, April 16: Morning on-site training with  After the Storm.  Then back to Cass UMC for additional training 

Wednesday, April 17: Morning on-site training with  After the Storm, concluding at 12:00pm.

Cost : $50 Covers lodging, meals, and materials 

Contact Jody Pratt for Information and Registration.

Deadline : April 1, 2024

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Early Response Team Training + RECERT

West Ohio ERT trainers will teach participants how to assist survivors of natural disasters in their time of need. Trainees will learn how to provide a caring, Christian presence while taking steps to prevent further damage to the family's personal property. Skills that are taught include tarping, debris removal, mucking out flooded homes, etc. FEMA recognizes this training to enter a disaster scene. A background check is required, and a link to complete this will be provided upon registration. Cost is $40 for the Basic class or $35 for recertification. ERT members are not required to be United Methodist but must deploy with a United Methodist-led team. For more information or to register, click here:

More information and registration is here.

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