UMVIM, Southeast Jurisdiction News, July 2024: Can Mission Heal Our Division?

Executive Director Rev. Matt Lacey shares this reflection which was also shared at the 2024 Southeast Jurisdictional Conference in Lake Junaluksa in July.

teams to cuba

Since 2020, volunteer teams to Cuba have greatly decreased, while the need has increased. After a pause in travel, mission teams have resumed traveling to Cuba and the Cuban government has resumed issuing work visas. Churches in Cuba have expressed a need for more volunteers. For more information, contact Aldo Gonzalez at or

updating project data

The UMVIM Jurisdictional Coordinators have been updating the US and International Project Lists. If you have a relationship with any of the projects featured on the UMVIM Project List, please encourage them to double check their listing and information. Likewise, if you know of a project which is not featured, and wishes to appeal to UMVIM teams, they can contact us at


Jacksonville, AL FUMC Takes Multi-Faceted Journey to Uganda


North Central Jurisdiction January-June 2024