Jacksonville, AL FUMC Takes Multi-Faceted Journey to Uganda

Jacksonville First United Methodist Church recently organized the largest and most diverse mission trip in the congregation's known history. Team leader Dr. Bruce Cunningham said, "This was the biggest and best: the largest team I have ever led, and the best of which I have ever been a part, with the most diverse activities. Under the spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit and my pastor Rev. Dr. Steve West our motto was, 'Following the way of Christ'."

On June 26, 2024, the team embarked on a 12-day journey to Uganda, registered with United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM). Eighteen participants with 53 pieces of checked luggage went on this life-changing adventure. Half of the team attends Jacksonville First UMC. Five relatives of church members and four other participants with connections with Africa Children's Mission (ACM), the on-site host organization, also joined the team.

Click here to read the rest on the North Alabama Conference website.


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