umvim Sunday

We hope that you will plan and implement an UMVIM Awareness Sunday for your congregation. The 2016 General Conference approved Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) Awareness Sunday to be observed annually on a date to be determined by the annual conference. If the annual conference so directs, an offering may be received and used by the annual conference volunteer in mission program. Churches are encouraged to provide UMVIM displays, information resources, solicit individual or group testimonies, and/or develop other ways to celebrate the UMVIM movement in whatever fashion that best suits the local congregation; and to draw upon the available resources of the Conference UMVIM Committee, Coordinator, or team to help make the day memorable, one of “Christian Love in Action.”

To assist your church in planning for UMVIM Awareness Sunday, below you will find resources that you can download, print and distribute to your church leaders and congregations. Please click and save the links you would like to use.