ncj Board of Directors


Rev. Carol Lakota Eastin, Chair- Illinois Great Rivers

Jody Pratt, Secretary- Michigan

Carolyn Yockey, Treasurer, Illinois Great Rivers, CDRC expertise

Members of the Board - Each conference has a representative to the board . Other members with expertise to share are

- Minnesota

- Dakotas

Mariellyn Grace- West Ohio

Rev. Jen Huff- Indiana

Joel Certa-Werner- Wisconsin

Rev. Ryan Russell - Iowa

Rev. Larry Dunlap-Berg, Northern Illinois

Rev. Fabiola Grandon-Myer, Northern Illinois

Rev. Catie Newman, Iowa

Katelynn Gurbach, East Ohio

Rev. Bob Campbell, Northern Illinois

ex-officio members

Bishop David Bard- Michigan/Illinois Great Rivers

Una Jones - Global Ministries

Barb Harlow, NOMADS

Rev. Eric Swanson, NCJ Mission Council

Rev. Katie Meek, NCJ Mission Advocate

Pam Garrison, UMCOR liaison

Rev. Tammy Kuntz, Coordinator