Volunteer Team Opportunities for Cuba, Angola

The Florida Conference is seeking team members for projects in Cuba and Angola. Those interested can contact the team leaders listed below.

Angola: the Florida Conference is seeking team members for the Quéssua Methodist Mission in Angola There are a number of opportunities: from theological education to medical work, ministry with youth and women, VBS, malaria control, minor construction projects, and more!

If you are interested in joining a team to Angola or need more information, please contact me at irodriguez@flumc.org or the team leader.

July 12-26, led by Giselle Lawn, gisellelawn@gmail.com
August 1-15, led by Trish and Adam Hall, ath5789@gmail.com
August 18 - August 30, Mountain Sky Conference
September 2-16, led by Molly McEntire and Icel Rodriguez, mmcentire@flumc.org
September 16-30, led by Armando & Icel Rodriguez, irodriguez@flumc.org
October/November (exact date and team leader TBD)

Cuba: the Florida Conference is also seeking team members for various journeys to Cuba.

July 8-15, Home for the Elderly in Havana, led by Robert Pinera, rpinera@aol.com
Sept 9-16, Camp Canaan in central Cuba, led by Robert Pinera, rpinera@aol.com
Oct 10-17, Methodist Seminary in Havana, led by Robert Pinera, rpinera@aol.com
Dec 2-9, Holguin Central Church in eastern Cuba, led by Icel Rodriguez, irodriguez@flumc.org


VIM Nicaragua Opportunities


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