Wisconsin IN Mission Together team serves in Lithuania

This past summer, 11 members of First United Methodist Church of Neenah/Menasha embarked on a truly transformative mission [journey] to Lithuania, reconnecting with our partner church, Pilviškiai United Methodist Church. Our “In Mission Together” partnership, which began in 2013, is grounded in long-term relationship building rather than short-term projects. We focus on empowerment over dependency, bringing the unique gifts and talents of each partner to the table, and nurturing the spiritual development of both communities. Our multi-generational team, ranging from energetic youth to middle-aged parents to enthusiastic retirees, found that the journey was far more about spiritual renewal than traditional work projects.   

Beyond the physical work of painting parts of the church, together with our partners, we immersed ourselves in the rich tapestry of the Lithuanian people and culture, exploring its history and traditions. We confronted the profound scars left by the genocide of the Jewish people, both in Pilviškiai and across Lithuania, during the 50+ years of Soviet and German occupation.  Paying our respects at a sacred and holy mass grave site, hearing a first-hand account from a church member who witnessed these atrocities as a child, together, we prayed for the lives lost, the lives forever changed, and for a future where such horrors are never repeated.

We also learned about the immense suffering endured during the Soviet and German occupations. Countless lives were lost, families were forcibly exiled to Siberia, and all freedoms, including religious freedom, were stripped away. This painful history illuminated the enduring strength and resilience of the Lithuanian people, deepening our understanding of their journey, their unbreakable spirit, and their abiding faith.

Amidst the challenges, we discovered moments of extraordinary hope. The joy and energy of local children, who grew in number and spirit as the week progressed, were a testament to the future of the church.  We were uplifted by the display of unity at the National Song and Dance Festival. Witnessing this traditional celebration,  we saw firsthand the spirit and cultural pride of the Lithuanian people. The dedication of four young people, who were raised in the church, returning to assist with translation was a profound joy.  Additionally, one of the translators feels a calling into ministry after completing her military service.  She is now actively supporting the Pilviškiai church by leading small group worship on a weekly basis, a significant help for the congregation who is without a pastor. Her involvement enriches the community, highlighting a new chapter of engagement and spiritual development for the church.

 The most profound impact of our experience was the deep connections we formed with the Pilviškiai church community and with each other. Every evening, we came together to share our personal faith journey, lifting our voices in stories, prayer and song. Despite language barriers, our shared faith fostered a strong sense of love and unity. Both Lithuanians and Americans expressed similar concerns about the future—economic worries, political uncertainties, health challenges, and divided nations—but we also discovered a resilient hope that transcends these fears, binding us together in a spirit of perseverance, love, and faith.

Since returning home, plans are underway with the support of the East Winds UMC District and the Flushing UMC in the Michigan Conference to equip the Pilviškiai Methodist Church with the necessary technology and equipment to facilitate joint Bible studies and worship services via Zoom. This will enable us to bridge the distance and maintain the meaningful connections we’ve established, allowing us to worship and study together, even if we are oceans apart.

By:  Nick Kaiser and Jeanie Kurka Reimer, Mission [journey] Participants


Oak Ridge, TN FUMC Serves at UMCOR Sager Brown


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