Appeal From Argentina
The following was sent to those who have served with various UMVIM projects in Argentina from Doug Williams:
Know we are praying for you in the US with the rise of Covid infections. We are seeing a rise here as well and with quarantine fatigue a lowering of restrictions in many provinces. The schools in Mendoza are required by the governor to have face to face meetings, many people are in the streets without masks, and hospitals are full. Argentina ranks 8th highest in the world for deaths per number infected.
I have some sad news. Some of the feeding programs have been put on hold for economic reasons. We had received funding from the Methodist Church in England to help and their funds ran out. In mendoza we received U$S 300 per month to which the church has been contributing about U$S 100. We are focusing on keeping schools open and pastors in ministry. The Mendoza methodists are putting together a special Christmas package with a little food to let families know we are with them. Pastors across Argentina are doing what they can.
I'm doing what I can in asking you to consider a special Christmas offering. Below is a Link to a video about a Christmas offering for Argentina ( 3 minutes). You are welcome to share the video with your friends or pastor and maybe they will want to do a church wide special offering. I trust your discernment in that.
Christmas special offering invite video 3 minutes.
I would recommend dividing the giving between two special advance numbers. The first pays missionaries salaries around the world but is done so in my name. BGM has let 65 staff go this year and need support. The second funds the five poorest Methodist schools in Argentina. I can only speak to the school in Mendoza when I say we are only scrapping by with local donations.
My special advance number: 3022122.
Argentina schools special advance: 3022416