Biography upload folder [for biography instructions click here]
Facts about Argentina (from Mike’s presentation)
Tentative Schedule
All sessions begin at 5:30pm Central Time
Thursday, 8 Oct
Get to know you and team assignments, basic culture information
Tuesday, 13 Oct
Opening Prayer/Devotion
Team Commissioning, Bishop Americo
UMVIM Argentina Presentation:
Overview, information about Mendoza, Douglas Williams
Colegio Alberto Schweitzer, Meg Whitlach
Barrio Patron feeding program
Q and A
Discussion groups:
Overview of article, breakout groups
Cultural exploration:
Mendoza wine, Thomas Bravo
Closing Prayer
Wednesday 14 oct
Opening Prayer/Devotion
UMVIM Argentina Presentation:
info and culture of Colon, Oscar Quevedo
Q and A
Group Discussion:
national service ministries, Natalia Ochoa
breakout rooms
Supporting the Argentine Methodist Church
Cultural research sharing: research team
Closing prayer
Thursday 15 oct
Opening Prayer/Devotion, Pastor Aerial Fernandez
UMVIM Argentina Presentation:
info and culture of Buenos Aires
Villa Amelia Project, Mariana Guajardo
Colegio Juan Manso, Mariel Pons and Claudia Lombardo
Q and A
Group Discussion:
Empowering Women, Mariel Pons
Women in the Bible
Breakout discussion groups
Ongoing Support for Projects
Cultural research sharing: Cooking Empanadas!, Matt Lacey
Closing prayer
Preparation Materials
A prayer for you as you prepare to come to Mendoza (2.5 min):
Tuesday: If you would like to participate in a wine tasting have a cup of Malbec wine available to taste (or choose your favorite wine, juice, or water). Read pages 13-15 of All the Evangelicals in the Same Bag [click to read].
Wednesday: The Cultural research team may have a suggestion which they will give you in our gathering Tuesday. Also Read about Pablo Sosa and listen to the song link below to familiarize yourself with his music.
Thursday: Have a cup of wine (see above) and portion of bread available for communion. Read the translated material of Mariel Pons’ theology of women. If you are so bold try your hand at empanadas and share your results with Matt Lacey and the group. Watch Bishop Americo’s video about Argentine Methodist Schools:
Team Roster
Doug Williams, GBGM missionary, Mendoza, Argentina
Meg Whitlach, Colegio Alberto Schweitzer
Thomas Bravo, church member, Mendoza
Michelle Bravo, church member, Mendoza
Vilma Thomas, church member, Mendoza
Oscar Quevado, missionary to Colon
Natalia Ochoa, Methodist Church of Argentina
Ariel Fernandez, pastor in Buenos Aires
Mariana Guajardo, Villa Amelia Project
Mariel Pons, Colegio Juan Manso
Claudia Lombardo, Colegio Juan Manso
Matt Lacey, Executive Director, UMVIM, SEJ
Karen DiStefano, Coordinator, UMVIM, SCJ
Rebecca Eleazer, South Carolina Conf.
Michael Easterly, Cal-Pac Conf.
Tammy Kuntz, Coordinator, UMVIM, NCJ
Dick Pipho, Iowa Conf.
Karen Collins, Iowa Conf.
Katherine Kim, Cal-Nav Conf.
Jane Windmeier, Minnesota Conf.
Christina Sherrod, Florida Conf.
Joan Campe, Minnesota Conf.
Thea Becton, Balt-Wash Conf.
Bill and Connie Funk, Iowa Conf.
Trevor Vaughn, Iowa Conf.
Donna Pratt, Iowa Conf.
Marnie Stein, Iowa Conf.
Karen Harbin, West N. Carolina Conf.
Joan Moll, Iowa Conf.
Mike Powers, Iowa Conf.
Paul Gesell, Iowa Conf.
Sue Smith, Iowa Conf.
Heather Hansen, Wisc. Conf.
Ronda Cordill, WJ UMVIM
Other Helpful Links:
Support Argentine Methodist Schools [The Advance]:
Support Missionary Oscar Quevedo:
Support Douglas Williams:
Douglas Williams Facebook Page:
Video Mendoza UMVIM trip 2018 Michael Parisher’s video:
Video Summary of Doug’s work in Mendoza:
Mendoza Tourism Video w/out Doug’s interruptions:
Buenos Aires Tourism Video:
Colón Entre Rios Tourism Video without commentary:
Want to plan a trip? Here are projects and estimates for Mendoza and San Juan Argentina:
Additional resources: